If you are paying at the Tournament, click Submit and close the next window
If you are paying now, after you click Submit……
1. The team registration fee for people under 18 is $20. The team registration fee for people over 18 is $40. Please enter the correct amount in the donation amount box.
2. Select “Ray Fantel” from the “Apply My Donation to” drop down menu
3. Click “DONATE” button
4. The next page will ask you for your first name, last name, and email
5. Click “CONTINUE” button
6. Enter credit card and billing information
Or, if you do not want to do it online, you can also send a check. Please make the check payable to “Neighbors Fundraising for Neighbors“ I will let them know it is for Ray’s subaccount. The address is:
Neighbors Fundraising For Neighbors
495 Hillrose Way
Monroe, NJ 08831